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Molecule orientated home medicine: Maintenance of physical and mental capabilities to prolong self subsistence at higher age

Günter Valet

--- Introduction ---

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1. Summary

- slowing down age dependant tissue and organ degeneration by blood capillary conservation (polyphenols)
- prevention of muscular weakness (sarcopenia) by essential amino acids
- early flu blocking by aspirin pulse therapy during the incubation period (37,3-38,0C body temperature)
- elimination of skin/nail fungus infections by Terbinafine/Ciclopirox therapy in combination with time controlled application of 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and 1% formaldehyde solutions
- early elimination of fast growing keratoacanthomas/squamous cell carcinomas of the skin by thermocoagulation

2. General

The maintenance of normal body functionality at increasing age becomes more and more important for the continuation of self determined life. This is only possible with largely conserved physical and mental capabilities. Many measures are recommended in this respect, but the advisors have, in contrast to the evidence presented here, typically not experienced the effects of their recommendations themselves. Recommendations from controlled multicenter studies as an alternative, concern usually the infuence of single parameters and not of parameter bundles as described here.

The author and his wife live since 1995 with a stepwise introduced package of measures as subsequently described. If a single person lives in this way, the result may be explained as predisposition, in case of two genetically different individuals it is more likely that the way of living influences the resulting physical and mental conditions. The combination of several altogether simple measures results in surprisingly positive longterm results concerning mental vigour, intact musculoskeletal system, intact vision and hearing, no diabetes, blood pressure systolic 125-135 and diastolic 70-75mmHg. The comparatively low diastolic values point towards good capillary blood flow at low atherosclerosis. Self subsistence at higher age critically depends of sufficient blood flow through tissues and organs by a sufficient density of blood capillaries (capillaries per area).

Capillary density: (< back) Blood pressure and capillary density determine blood flow through tissues and organs depending of blood pressure regulation in small arteries (arterioles). Capillary density diminishes at high blood pressure, diabetes and increasing age (1, 2, 3). This may lead to low tissue perfusion (ischaemia) with irreversible losses of organ cells like in pancreas (type 2 diabetes), brain (forgetfulness, dementia), eyes (retionpathy), ear (deafness) or skin (dryness, cracking, keratosis, open legs). This is prevented or retarded for examplr by by longterm consumption of polyphenol containing apple or grape wine as antioxidants. Apple and grape wines are available in dealcoholized form with low sugar content. Polyphenols are also contained in vegetables, fruits and olive oil, where they are, however, more easily oxidized in the presence of air (oxygen) or higher temperature (cooking) and thereby to various degrees inactivated.

Polphenols (< back) maintain vascular functionality (4, 5) down to the capillary level (6) and may even increase capillary density in muscle tissue (7). The daily uptake of 300ml polyphenol contained in apple or grape wine starting after the age of 65 years is, as shown by the own example, sufficient to maintain important body functions within the normal range. Together with oat flakes (brain, skin, spine) and essential Amino Acids (eAA) for protein synthesis in muscles, skin, intestines, hematopoietic system and elsewhere as a package of measures (PPOeAA) is important in combination with low salt food and daily drinking of 1.600ml fluid for metabolic conditioning of body functions. The eAA uptake is essential to avoid the gradual loss of muscle tissue (sarcopenia) despite good polyphenol maintained capillary blood supply. In case the observed results can be confirmed beyond family scale by larger studies, a way is shown to strengthen the muscular system, even in presence of functional deficits in other organs, thus improving personal self subsistence at higher age.

3. Details

Gradual protein depletion: Decreasing food consumption at diminished amino acid resorption in the guts cause a gradual loss of muscular mass. The resulting physical weakness causes an increased risk of injury like broken arms or hips. The regular taking of essential amino acids represents an effective counter measure.

Respiratiry infections with Influneza or Corona (Covid-19) viruses become increasingly dangerous at higher age, causing severe immediate (lung) or late consequences like long Covid. Disease outbreak can be efficiently cut by salicylate (Aspirin 3x400mg in 12h intervals) and 500ml hot beverages every 8h during the incubation period, characterized by unexplainable fatigue, beginning catarrhalic symptoms and body temperatures between 37.3-37.9C. Beyond 38C the disease has broken out and the described measures are no mre effective.

Skin or nail mycosis (< back) may be very nasty, especially when therapy resistant as observed with recently increasing frequency. The time controlled application of 3% H2O2 and 1% formaldehyde solutions in combination with antimycotic therapy can cure Tinea corporis or nail mycosis. H2O2 oxidatively inactivates fungus spores with Ciclopirox inhibited katalase enzyme while 1% formaldehyde attaches covalently to free amino groups of protein amino acids thus gradually inactivating (fixing) fungus cells as well as their skin cell and nail keratin food stock indigestible.

Skin tumors (< back) may originate in longtime ultraviolett (UV) irradiated facial skin that is preferntially at higher age. They are frequently either slow and painfree growing squamous cell carcionomas or fast developing and painful keratoacanthomas Both kind of tumors are usually surgically removed. Squamous cell carcinomas of the skin metastasize rarely, keratoacanthomas, according to current opinion, do typically not metastasize. They show a tendency for self involution with significant scars. Keratoacanthomas may double initially their size within a few days. Considering long waiting times in the public health system for first presentation, followed by biopsy excision, waiting for results and getting a second opinion may take several weeks. The tumor may then measure already between 1-2cm in diameter at surgical removal with borders of 4-5mm into the surrounding healthy tissue, causing significant scars and reconstitution problems like in case of affected ears, nose or eye lids.

Further tumors may emerge in other areas of UV damaged skin with time. As an early measure, localized swellings, painful upon pressure are treated as fast as possible with an antibiotic ointment. At no improvement after one or two days and in the absence of pus formation, the swelling is of non infectious nature and represents very likely another keratoacanthoma in case of a previous history of keratoacanthomas. It is removed by thermal coagulation during days 4-6 after appearence of pain to keep the tumor size small. The small wound (5-6mm) heals in the author's experience without scars.

3. References

1. Frost S, Nolde JM, Chan J, Joyson A, Gregory C, Carnagarin R, Herat LY, Matthews VB, Robinson L, Vignarajan J, Prentice D, Kanagasingam Y, Schlaich MP. Retinal capillary rarefaction is associated with arterial and kidney damage in hypertension. Nature research/scientific reports (2021) 11:1001,
2. Liang J, Li Y, Chen L, Xia W, Wu G, Tong X, Su C, He J, Lin X, Tao J. Systemic microvascular rarefaction is correlated with dysfunction of late endothelial progenitor cells in mild hypertension. a substudy of EXCAVATION-CHN1. J Transl Med (2019) 17:368-
3. Antonios TFT, Singer DRJ, Markandu ND, Mortimer PS, MacGregor GA. Structural Skin Capillary Rarefaction in Essential Hypertension. Hypertension (1999) 33:998-1001
4. Khurana S, Krishnan VK, Hollingsworth A, Matthew Piche M, Tai TC. Polyphenols: Benefits to the Cardiovascular System in Health and in Aging. Nutrients (2013) 5:3779-3827.
5. Ghosh D, Scheepens A. Vascular action of polyphenols. Mol Nutr Food Res (2009) 53:322-331.
6. Woodward KA, Draijer R, Thijssen DHJ, Low, DA. Polyphenols and Microvascular Function in Humans: A Systematic Review. Current Pharmaceutical Design (2018) 24:203-226 ISSN 1381-6128 (
7. Yoshida Y, Tsutaki A, Tamura Y, Kouzaki K, Sashihara K, Nakashima S, Tagashira M, Tatsumi R, Nakazato K. Dietary apple polyphenols increase skeletal muscle capillaries in Wistar rats. Physiological Reports (2018) 6:e13866

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Initial display: Oct 08.2022