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History of Flow and Image Cytometry (1858-1978)

Time course of developments in flow and
image cytometry

Early developments in flow and image cytometry ( PDF, PPT, ref.197)

Literature references:

  1. Virchow R. Die Cellularpathologie in ihrer Begründung auf physiologische und pathologische Gewebelehre. In: Vorlesungen über Pathologie. Vol. 1 Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1858.
  2. Caspersson TO. Cell growth and cell function. 1950, WW Norton, New York
  3. Coulter WH. Means for counting particles suspended in a fluid. US patent 2,656,658, priority Aug.27, 1949
  4. Coulter WH. High speed automatic blood cell counter and cell size analyzer. Proc Natl Electronics Conf 1956 12:1034-1042.
  5. Wied GL, Bartels PH, Bahr GF, Oldfield DG. Taxonomic intracellular analytic system (TICAS) for cell identification. Acta Cytol 1968; 12:180-204.
  6. Bibbo M, Schneider V, Bedrossian CWM. George L Wied (1921-2004): A three part tribute. Diagn Cytopathol 2005; 33:359-363.
  7. Koss LG. Coming of age of cytology. Acta Cytol 1961; 5:309-310
  8. Koss LG. Quo vadis. Acta Cytol 1966; 10:145
  9. Kamentsky LA, Melamed MR, Derman H. Spectrophotometer: New instrument for ultrarapid cell analysis. Science 1965; 150:630-631.
10. Melamed MR, Koss LG. Developments in cytological diagnosis of cancer. Med Clin North America 1966; 50:651- 666.
11. Darzynkiewicz Z, Bolund L, Ringertz NR. Actinomycin binding of normal and phythemagglutinin stimulated lymphocytes. Exp Cell Res 1969; 55:120-123.
12. Mayall BH. Editorial. Cytometry 1980; 1:1.
13. Ruhenstroth-Bauer G, Zang D. Automatische Zählmethoden: Das Coulter’sche Partikelzählgerät. Blut 1960; 6:446-462.
14. Lushbaugh CC, Maddy JA, Basmann NJ. Electronic measurement of cellular volumes. I. Calibration of the apparatus. Blood 1962; 20:233-240.
15. Lushbaugh CC, Basmann NJ, Glascock B. Electronic measurement of cellular volumes. II. Frequency distribution of erythrocyte volumes. Blood 1962; 20:241-248.
16. Fulwyler MJ. Electronic separation of biological cells by volume. Science 1965; 150:910-911.
17. Valet G. Concepts and developments in flow cytometry and cytomics. Ed: Robinson JP. Purdue Cytometry CD Nr.10, 2007; ISBN 978-1-890473-10-5.
18. Thom R, Kachel V. Fortschritte für die elektronische Größenbestimmung von Blutkörperchen. Blut 1970; 26:48-50
19. Van Dilla MA, Mullaney PF, Coulter JR. The fluorescent cell photometer: A new method for the rapid measurement of biological cells stained with fluorescent dyes . Annual Report Biological & Medical Research Group H-4, Los Alamos Scientifc Laboratories 1968 p100-105
20. Dittrich W, Göhde W. Automatisches Meß- und Zählgerät für die Teilchen einer Dispersion. Patent DE 1 815 352, priority Dec 18, 1968
21. Dittrich W, Göhde W. Impulsfluorometrie bei Einzelzellen in Suspension. Z Naturf 1969; 24b:360-361.
22. Büchner T, Dittrich W, Göhde W. Impulse cytophotometry of blood cells and bone marrow cells. Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med. 1971; 77:416-8.
23. Hulett HR, Bonner WA, Barrett J, Herzenberg LA. Cell sorting: Automated separation of mammalian cells as a function of intracellular fluorescence. Science 1969; 166:747-749.
24. Kachel V , Benker G, Lichtnau L, Valet G, Glossner E. Fast imaging in flow: A means of combining flow cytomety and image analysis. J Histochem Cytochem 1979 27: 335-341.
25. Valet G, Metzger H, Kachel V, Ruhenstroth-Bauer G. Der Nachweis verschiedener Erythrozytenpopulationen bei der Ratte. Blut 1972; 24:42-53.
26. Ruhenstroth-Bauer G, Valet G, Kachel V, Boss N. Die elektrische Volumenmessung von Blutzellen bei der Erythropoese, bei Rauchern, Herzinfarkt- und Leukämiepatienten, sowie von Leberzellkernen. Naturwissenschaften 1974; 61: 260-266.
27. Valet G. Predictive medicine by cytomics and the challenges of a human cytome project. In: Business Briefing: Future Drug Discovery 2004, Ed: E Cooper, World Markets Research Center Ltd, London p 46-51.
28. Valet G. Concept development in flow cytometry. In: eds U Sack, A Tarnok, G Rothe. Cellular diagnostics, Karger Basel 2009, p 29-52.
29. GK Valet, G Roth, W Kellermann. Risk assessment for intensive care patients by automated classification of flow cytometric data. In: Phagocyte Function, Eds. JP Robinson, GF Babcock, Wiley-Liss Inc, New York 1998, p 289-306.
30. Kamentsky LA, Kamentsky LD. Microscope-based multiparameter laser scanning cytometer yielding data comparable to flow cytometry. Cytometry 1991 12: 381-387.
31. Hallermann L, Thom R, Gerhartz H. Elektronische Differenzialzählung von Granulozyten und Lymphozyten nach intravitaler Fluochromierung mit Acridinorange. Verh.Dtsche.Ges.Inn.Med., Ed. B.Schlegel, Springer Berlin (1964), 70:217.

Foundation of the Society Analytical Cytology (SAC)

Early meetings and foundation of the Society for Analytical Cytology (SAC/ISAC) at Schloß Elmau (1978) (adapted from: 20 years DGfZ)

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last update: Apr 02,2021
first display: Sep 09,2012