EFCS Discussion Forum

G.Valet Dec.16,1996

Dear Jean Luc,

thank you for the detailed comments. The Federation or Union is certainly attractive for its clearcut organisational structure.

As suggested earlier, ESACP in such a concept could remain the organizational cristallization point for histo- and cytopathology at the European level and constitute one of the member societies of a European cytometry association. ACP editorial board could be either shared or a histo- and cytopathological section could be established like e.g. Cytometry/CCC.

Like you, I hope for comments especially from those who did not yet communicate their thoughts.

Following the recommendation of Dr.Ruiz-Arguelles, Puebla (IFCC Vice-Chairman), I have contacted Mme Thirion, Nancy of the IFCC secretariat for the most recent version of the IFCC constitution. The IFCC as well as the FEBS constitution and bylaws will be displayed as soon as possible on the EFCS www-site as examples for the organizational structures of Federations of scientific societies.

Best regards
